"He never grew up, but he never stopped growing" -- Arthur C Clarke (asked what he wanted written on his tombstone) Quick reference
BioI've been involved with computer science and networking for the last 19 years, with a specific interest in free software (free as in speech, not beer) and network security. Some of my published security research received significant public attention a while back. For example, try googling for my writeup on the "Internet Auditing Project". I think it's aged rather well. I first installed Linux on my trusty old 386 IBM-compatible back in 1995. It was an ancient version of Slackware with a pre 2.X kernel (1.2.13). It may have been primitive by todays standards but the possibility of having my own little tiny Unix system to play with hooked me right away. I love designing and developing clever software solutions. Mostly in Python, though I've worked with Perl, C, Java, C++, shell script, and what not... These days I'm focused on the Ethereum Ecosystem Fund, working with a team supporting aligned builders that are solving the kind of real world problems that get us to mass adoption. Previously I co-founded First Digital Assets, tabookey, spydermix and turnkey: |